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REST - GET Request 500

9 Jun 2021

This Article covers HTTP method GET, requests made to a REST API to generate HTTP Code 500 from the URI end, and validation of the response through Scriptworks API testing.


In this article, we will perform a GET Request on REST API and validate Status Code 500 received in response through Scriptworks - A Visual Programming/low Code Automation tool.

First, I will demonstrate the exercise we need to perform, followed by practically demonstrating the Automation through Drag and Drop of the relevant Blocks present in Scriptworks for achieving it.

HTTP Method Discussed in this Article:-

500:- HTTP Status code 500 belongs to the Server Error Codes Category. This type of error is widely known as an Internal server error. This error code occurs when an unexpected request reaches the server and the server doesn’t know how to handle it or provide a response for that particular request.

Note - Here, We are using to practice REST API’s queries response validation.  


1) Open your preferred browser chrome, firefox, etc.

Navigate to any browser

2) Navigate to

Putting navigate to httpstatus 500

3) Validate the response code 500.

Practical Demonstration

Following are the Steps to Perform the above Exercise, including validation using Scriptworks Visual Programming/Low code in ‘Scriptworks’ IDE:-

Pre-requisite: Users should be able to login to Scriptworks via their Credentials, and their Scriptworks Client should be up and running. 

To know more about Scriptworks Client and Selenium Standalone Server, please follow this Article.

1) Open Scriptworks on your system with your credentials and open the project where you want to perform the Automated validations on the REST API response.

Open Project MyTest

2) Now click on the Block symbol present on the left side panel and then click on getting started 

BlockSymbol → Getting Started → API Test

As we know, we are going to initiate an API test. So Drag and Drop the “API Test” block onto the Canvas after clicking on the Getting Started link.Getting Started link should be clicked

API Test to Get Started

Putting API Test Block into the Canvas

3) Now, we will use the comment block to let others know what we will perform. For that, we are going to click on the search text box and write comment, and hit return.

Search → Comment → Drag and Drop to Canvas

put your cursor in search box

Put Comment Block into the Canvas

Putting comments inside the canvas

4) Now, we will drag and drop some basic blocks required for the REST API call to request the resource. 

For the REST API Request, we need four basic things from Scriptworks.

i) REST Call Block

ii) Method Block

iii) URI Block

iv) Response Block 

We have searched the comment block in step 3 similarly we have to do so for the required blocks and drag and drop them to the canvas.

  1. Search → REST Call → Drag and Drop to Canvas
  2. Search → Method → Drag and Drop to Canvas
  3. Search → URI → Drag and Drop to Canvas
  4. Search → get Response → Drag and Drop to Canvas

Demonstrating Drag and Drop of Rest call Block to Canvas

search rest from search box inside the canvas

Putting REST inside the canvas

Demonstrating Drag and Drop of Method Block into Canvas

searching method from the search box

putting method inside the canvas

Demonstrating Drag and Drop of URI Block into Canvas 

search URI from Search Box

Enter the URI inside the canvasa

Demonstrating Drag and Drop of get response Block into Canvas

search get response from search box

putting get response inside the canvas

5) Let’s give it a dry run and see what we receive in the response after the run.

putting request details inside the canvas

In the above screenshot, we can see what request we have sent to the REST API query with the kind of request headers that have been passed.

putting response details inside the canvas

In the above screenshot, we can see how Scriptworks is logging the REST API response.

6) Drag comment to let others know what we are going to do now. And for that, follow Step 3 Above.

Search → Comment → Drag and Drop to Canvas

validate the response comments inside the canvas

7) Now, to validate the response received (in Scriptworks terms – to assert). Drag the Assert block multiple times onto the canvas for the number of Assertions required and populate them with the information you wish to validate from the REST API response.

Search → Assert → Drag and Drop to Canvas

search assert from search box

putting assert block inside the canvas

We have added Assert Block. Now, what do we have to Assert? 

We have to Assert the status code and message from the API Response. To get these properties of the Response we use the response properties block. So search for response in the search box and pick the response properties block and drag it into the canvas.

Search → Response → Drag and Drop Response Body into Canvas

search response from search box

choosing status code from dropdown

choosing status message from search box

putting whole body inside the canvas

8) Now, the final thing is a Test Run. Make sure you have followed the prerequisite mentioned above before the Test Run. Make sure you can see the Green Symbol before clicking on the play icon. 

putting play icon inside the canvas

Putting Test Pass inside the canvas

That’s how we can validate a REST API with the response code and status message in Scriptworks.

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